
A record-breaking autumn auction 2022

Several records were broken at Allee gallery’s 2022 autumn auction, including personal bests for Roman Nyman, Leonhard Lapin, Jüri Arrak and Juhan Püttsepp. The TOP 5 pieces and prices were as follows:

  1. Roman Nyman “Sestri Levante” – 52 000 Eur
  2. Leonhard Lapin “Bunny’s kiss” – 45 000 Eur
  3. Juhan Püttsepp “Foraging” – 38 500 Eur
  4. Johannes Võerahansu “Nüpli motif” – 36 000 Eur
  5. Jüri Arrak “Giraffe” – 34 000 Eur

The biggest percentual rise from the 100 available pieces went to “Kaali crater” by Varmo Pirk which quintupled its starting price, with Leonhard Lapin’s “Bunny’s kiss” following close behind.

An additional record that was broken was for the single highest daily turnover for a single auction in Estonian history.

The Allee team would like to sincerely thank everyone who took part as well as our dear collectors who offered so many excellent pieces up for auction. We’d also like to thank all of our partners, writers and other team members. This includes Harry Liivrand, Mai Levin and Katre Palm, our photographer, our videographers Sander and Martin, IT-support Indrek, catalogue designer Karl, print shop Trükiviis, framing shops Järsi, Cadre and Rolest, restorers, assistant Frederik, Digra OÜ, Carmen Catering, Jordan, Oliver and all of our media partners.

We will get in touch with all of the winners very shortly to arrange for payments and pick-ups.