
The highest price for a modern Estonian artist at Allee’s record-breaking auction!

Miljard Kilk

Miljard Kilk “Blind faith”, 1986

171 pieces were sold across Allee’s three auctions that took place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of November. The highest percentual rise went to Boris Ninemäe’s “Emptying the nets” which sold at 10 times its starting price. This was closely followed by Anatoli Kaigorodov’s “Autumnal alley” which reached nearly 9 times its starting price.

The TOP 10:

Nikolai Triik Vana aed

Nikolai Triik “An old garden”, 1915

  1. Nikolai Triik „An old garden“, 1915. Hammer price 135 000 Eur
  2. Peeter Mudist „Flowers“, 1975. Hammer price 98 000 Eur
  3. Miljard Kilk „Blind faith“, 1986. Hammer price 86 100 Eur
  4. Anatoli Kaigodorov „Autumnal alley“, 1920-ndad. Hammer price 71 000 Eur
  5. Ants Laikmaa „A farm motif with bales of rye“, 1913. Hammer price 63 000 Eur
  6. Endel Kõks „A gathering“, 1942. Hammer price 55 000 Eur
  7. Voldemar Kangro-Pool „A girl with a rubber tree“, 1918. Hammer price 52 000 Eur
  8. Lepo Mikko „Circle of life“, 1971. Hammer price 50 000 Eur.
  9. Ervin Õunapuu „The final hurdle“, 1985. Hammer price 47 000 Eur
  10. Urmas Ploomipuu „Railroad“, 1980. Hammer price 46 000 Eur

It’s important to note that two of the TOP 10 listed above are artists who are still living – Miljard Kilk and Ervin Õunapuu. Kilk therefore holds the all-time Estonian record for the highest price for a living artist.

Kaljo Põllu Päikesevene

Kaljo Põllu “Solar”, 1974.

Among graphic prints, the record went to Kaljo Põllu’s “Solar” which reached a price of 14 200 Eur. Eduard Wiiralt’s “Tiger” followed closely behind with a hammer price of 13 000 Eur. The third place went to Vladimir Taiger’s “Before lightning strikes” at 11 100 Eur.

All 4 of the available sculptures also found new homes, the highest price of which was reached by Ferdi Sannamees’ “Crying woman” at 7600 Eur.

Allee gallery would like to sincerely thank everyone who brought us artworks as well as our excellent team behind the scenes: Katre, Harry, Kaspar, Mari-Liis, Regina, Mai, Indrek, Martin, Sander, Stanislav, Karl, Sigrit, Martin, Mati, Jordan, Üüve, Frederik and Jüri.

In the media

Postimees: Alexandra Saarniit “Eestlastel raha on – kunstioksjonil läksid ülikallid maalid kui soojad saiad”, 26.11.2023

EPL Kultuur: “Miljard Kilk on kalleim elav kaasaegne eesti kunstnik”, 26.11.2023

Postimees: “Oksjonirekordid näitavad, et eesti sürrealistid on populaarsed” 28.11.2023

Äripäeva raadio: “Algajale kunstiinvestorile – kust üldse alustada?”. 28.11.2023

Ringvaade: Intervjuu Allee peakuraatori Harry Liivrannaga. 23.11.2023