
The exhibit for the graphics auction open at Uus 7 from October 1-14!

Eesti kunsti oksjon

From the 1st to the 14th of October, you’re warmly welcomed to the graphics auction exhibit at Allee gallery’s second space on Uus 7. The exhibit consisting of 81 pieces includes prints and drawings from many Estonian masters including but not limited to Eduard Wiiralt, Aili Vint, Richard Kaljo, Evald Okas, Jüri Arrak, Leonhard Lapin, Kaljo Põllu, Endel Kõks, Malle Leis, Peeter Allik, and many others. The auction exhibit will be open every day, M-F 12.30-18, Sat-Sun 12-16!

From Thursday, the 6th of October, Allee’s online auction will also open to all bidders. For this, you need to sign up for an account through our website. The winners will be determined at the live event on Saturday, October 15th at 14:00, hosted by Harry Liivrand.

Leonhard Lapin

For anyone who can’t make it to the exhibit, we have also listed all of the upcoming pieces on our website and added multiple introductory videos onto our YouTube channel!