At Allee gallery’s 2021 autumn auction, held on the 31st of October by art historian Harry Liivrand, several records were broken. The very rare “Võrumaa motif” by Aarne Miikmaa from 1941 sold for €27,500 while Endel Kõks’ “Queens and servants” from 1953 reached a final price of €23,500.
When it comes to a percentual rise, the record goes to Lepo Mikko’s wartime piece of Tartu that reached €22,000 from a starting price of €4800. Jüri Arrak’s works were also received warmly once again, following the artist’s great success at the spring auction.
The pieces of four Baltic German artists – Dücker, Gebhardt, Spoerer and Hoffmann – also warrant an honorable mention. All of the paintings found new homes to be displayed in and will provide lots of joy to their owners in Estonia as well as abroad.
Allee gallery would sincerely like to thank everyone who took part, offered pieces from their collections as well as the team of assistants who made the event possible. We’re already working on preparing the spring auction of 2022!
To offer us a painting or a graphic print, don’t hesitate to e-mail!