We are happy to invite all art lovers to Mauri Gross’ new exhibit “F A M I L Y 4” where you can see his recent works depicting lush bushes, flowers and underwood. Gross has created a type of layered traditionalism for this self-curated exhibit that provides an effect that is simultaneously sobering and intoxicating.

“Wild”, 2020.
The hypnotizing effect of Gross’ paintings comes from their unique fragmentation. The artist has previously used this type of approach for his berry series as well.
The endlessly branching underwood is the most important motif here, showing that everything is constantly flowing and in motion, even a sturdily rooted bush.
Mauri Gross has been a freelance artist since 2008, creating paintings as well as graphic prints. He graduated from Tartu Art School in 1988 and studied drawing and teaching at Tallinn University from 1990-1992. He graduated from EKA in 1997 and has been a member of the Artists Union since 2013.
He has taken part in exhibits since 1991, with more than 20 appearances in the last five years alone. Gross uses the technical approach of the classics but combines it with abstract and modern solutions, thereby eliminating timely barriers and leaving ample space for philosophizing during the viewing of his pieces.
The exhibit will stay open until 12.03.2022 (T-F 12:30-18, Sat 12-16). All of the exhibited pieces are available to buy, either directly at the gallery or through our online shop.