
Allee’s team has added Harry Liivrand and Mari-Liis Illi-Illik

We’re very happy to introduce you to two of the newest members of Allee’s hard-working team.

From September, renowned art historian and critic Harry Liivrand will start working as Allee’s head curator. Allee has successfully worked with Harry since 2020 as he has been our auctioneer from the beginning. As a gallery assistant, we’re happy to welcome Mari-Liis Illi-Illik whose kindness has already been seen by our ehxibit guests.

Harry Liivrand has a wide portfolio of having arranged exhibits in Estonia as well as abroad, managed Tallinna Kunstihoone and having been the cultural attaché at the Estonian embassy in Berlin. For this last position, Harry was awarded his second Kristjan Raud prize. As a long-time journalist and art critic, Harry will bring all of this impressive know-how to Allee gallery now.

Mari-Liis Illi-Illik

Mari-Liis Illi-Illik is a creative person through and through. Her love for the arts has taken her to EKA where she’s currently in her last year of studying fashion management. Mari-Liis’ pluses are a huge thirst for knowledge and a positive attitude.
